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Finally its my FINAL YEAR

well its quite embarrassing to say this 
    "finally its my final year"
but everything seems not really smooth,
group work but not with dependable people,
still remember lecturer say to me,
    "you should appreciate that i put a girl in your group"
but wtf my group already 4 people and ya more people more trouble
    the only Bangladesh girl - talk more do less
    the Maldive boy - do ok ok complain many many
    the African boy (if not wrong?) - do less talk less
    the sibu boy - is ok but sometime too depending on people
    the me - the one who think he is good in software but actually he is good, 
                  just not believe everyone in his group

and its the only first 4th week, 
and there are so many paper on my desk and on the floor as well,
this normally open before exam which after 11 or 12 weeks,
final year although there is no much exam, but u have to do your work constantly,
to keep you busy all the time.

feel stress of my final year project,
seems nothing to do but u need to read lots of material.

feel stress of my Design Project,
feel your groupmate cant do things,
worry that they slow down your progress.

 but yea, feel like i am an engineer, graduating this year,
need your support
please. thank


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