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Solid State Drive (SSD)

Well, i got another toy recently which is Solid State Drive, for some of you maybe have no idea what is this? due to my poor English, i define that as another type of hard disk which running electronically and the traditional hark disk running in CPU mostly mechanical drive.

Why SSD?
simply just for the speed, the SSD is twice to triple of the performance of a HDD, the most obvious improvement that u can see is the booting speed of your pc, from 1 to 2 min decrease to half a minutes. SSD is still expansive nowadays, which worth or not worth to get its depend on you, few hundred bucks for that few secs.

the SSD i got is Corsair Neutron GTX 240GB, actually Samsung 840 pro is on the top of my list as the performance and reliability is the highest, but there is some warranty issue for samsung SSD which there is still no warranty center for samsung brand SSD, instead of corsair, i am quite satisfy on how corsair duel with their warranty stuff. finally, corsair. i am quite a big fan of corsair as i am using corsair PSU, keyboard and now SSD.

i got my SSD from Kangaroo Express yesterday, the seller did quite a good job in packaging, to protect the the stuff.

what is inside

 this is the SSD which same size with a laptop HDD and this can be use in ur laptop as well.

 the back

how it look like in Storage Bay in my cpu, so tiny compare to my desktop HDD.

oh yea.


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