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Internet Cost Around the Word

still, u can see people post something like this in forum

"i cant wait to get Unifi, so happy 5Mbps!!! "

For a Malaysian, 5Mbps definitely is fast, everything in a second, i feel the same too, after try 5Mbps Unifi, i feel everything is so fast, donwload speed can reach 500kbps, a song only required 1 minute to download it. Streamyx people even ask me "sir, do you satisfy with your internet?", just i forgot complain to that girl why your internet is so damn expansive, or maybe i choose to not to complain because i feel its useless to complain toward her.

honestly i really feel streamyx is ok in where they din cause much trouble to me like DC or sudden extreme slow connection, their service of their counter aunty or counter girl  is where the range i can accept in term of their friendliness lar~~~, at least they not scold u for bother them.

after i compare Malaysia TM-net internet speed and cost with singapore, i am like WOW, Singapore offer 500Mbps with only SGD80, which is like RM200, seriously why they can have such a high speed internet with that kind of price but Malaysia tak boleh.

its make me feel more sxxk when i know there is 1Gbps internet connection from Korea for only USD30, and even higher speed 2Gbps from Japan with only USD50. compare with this price really make me feel malaysia tmnet customer deserved red-carpet service when they walk in Tm-net service center.

final words, really doesn't put high hope in bolehland, i love malaysia, i love sarikei but not bolehland. BN boleh!!


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