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I have been using Windows 7 for like 4 years almost, i really like that windows as i feel that its the best windows so far even if u ask me compare it with the latest Windows 8.1. What make me think like that is Windows 7 able to impress you from the 1st view on the desktop screen. Really pretty design especially the windows button, it make you feel like its really futuristic, especially when you are upgrading your Windows XP to Windows 7, that does make your eyes shining for a while. Indeed, Windows 8 give me a such bad feeling even make me feel dizzy when the 1st met a year ego. Its really disgusting, ugly user interface when u click the square Windows Button, ugly color, can't even find out how to shut down this shit. 
 And OMG, i upgraded my Windows 7 to the latest OS Windows 8.1, after 5 days of using it, getting used to it, what i thought is its really an ugly windows with great improved speed, in term of switch on your pc, open software, the loading time greatly reduced. This improvement of speed suddenly make me feel like to get a Solid State Drive (SSD) to further increase the loading time of OS and the software, still thinking to get a SSD at the end of this year as it not really cheap for a Malaysian, you know la... Malaysian duit kecik sangat ma...
 For the antivirus i am back to Avast Antivirus since 5 years ago which was the first time i use this antivirus, i was impressed by this antivirus not because of the performance of it, its because "Your Database has been updated". Wow, its the 1st antivirus who could talk, who could tell the user what they did, PRO ma, but after that i was fall with those antivirus with good ranking like Kapersky or Bitdender. But what i feel is Kapersky is not a good antivirus as it really slow down your pc and even your internet speed. Now i back to this "FREE" Avast, as it easy to get, good detect rate, light software, and had a good user interface. Yes it had but now it learn the "complicatedness" from Windows 8, where you have to dig deeply to find something.
Mircosoft Office 2013, in short i like the tiny graphic motion when you do something, looks good, doesn't make you feel sick, short loading time when you open the software, wells its worth to get i guess.  
 My newest gadget, HTC One. i really like this, as it has a great design, alloy body make its feel expansive and looks nicer than those plastic product. but then it has some problem with its camera, purple tint under dark environment, btw its not really a big duel for me as i rarely take picture in dark. 
but this thing make me poor like hell lol...

lastly, which one should i get?? Samsung have the most reliability and faster speed but cost RM100 more while Plextor have highest cost and performance ratio with cheaper price. SSD definitely in my wishlist or target list :p 


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